Bash style
Customise your bash
If you are using OSX this is wonderful because you can customise your command line by adding emoji icons to the bash prompt.
You can find icons inside your Edit menu: Edit -> Emoji & Symbols
How to add custom icons to our bash?
So edit your .bash_profile
with your favorite editor vim or nano for example, and add this line:
PS1=" "
Open Emoji & Symbol panel and drag and drop your favorite emoji inside quotation marks.
Depending on terminal settings, nothing may be visible after using drag & drop. Close and reopen you terminal and voilà:
You can customise terminal bash with some others options:
code | description |
\d | Current date |
\t | Current time |
\h | Host name |
# | Command number |
\u | User name |
\W | Current working directory (ie: Desktop/) |
\w | Current working directory with full path |
This is my favourite customisation:
PS1="🌀 \u@\h\W$ "
What’s yours?